Friday, February 6, 2009

Does everyone feel so lonely?
Sometimes I feel alone in all that I do.
I know we're all alone in the end
but can someone be there for the
in between times?
down times
talking times

these times that I don't have anyone to share with
i miss together times

In short: never watch The Notebook while intoxicated. It leaves a mark on your soul deep enough to be felt for days.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stuff thatsa happenin'

Current Goals:
  • Memorize 5 pages of Chopin by Tuesday.
  • Apply to Graduate schools.
  • Clean my room.
  • Don't spend anymore money.
I'm applying to grad schools! I finally narrowed it down to four schools. Drum roll.....
University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the University of Memphis. I sat down and talked with Dr. J and we narrowed down my list to these. Now I just have to apply, get transcripts, recommendation letters, fees, audition.... simple, right?...

Almost done working the phone-a-thon. I need a paycheck!

"Hair" is going fine. I need cash!

I thought this was cool.

Time to practice.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another update

School is getting to the point of being ridiculous. Everything had been in nice organized stacks in my mind. Those slowly turned into organized piles. And now the whole thing is like my dad's garage. A complete wreck but he knows where everything is if you give him enough time to find it. I feel myself slowly becoming unwound from the winding up over the summer. Thanksgiving can't get here fast enough. I need family. People that'll understand me. People that I'm used to dealing with their eccentricities and love them for their faults. I'm tired of being nice and getting by. Maybe I'm just babbling. All I know is that I'm ready to move on. Not only from this semester but from this vein of life in general. I'm ready to go out and experience some more, in another location, with different people. The people that I've met that are new to school this year are nice but I'm just not getting along with them. Maybe I've got cabin fever? Senioritis? Deadly plights both. Whatever it is, I'm ready. Registered for my last semester of undergraduate classes: 18 hours. I think that's the most I've ever taken. Definitely not looking foward to it.

  • Still haven't narrowed down graduate school.
  • I'm going to enter a composition contest for cash. Maybe two. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • I'm enjoying learning my piano music. I felt like I had found out how to practice to make music but I couldn't hold onto that feeling. It was like trying to hold a cloud or fire. Very fleeting. I'll get it back soon enough.
  • I'm broke.
That is all.
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

An update

Hello all.
I just thought to write an update about life in general.

I still enjoy classes and all of them are going well.

I've found an awesome add-on for Firefox called Ubiquity. It's an amazing add-on that makes surfing, internet usage, life on the computer easier. Things are already pretty easy to begin with, but it gathers all the good things together into one search engine-ish format. Check out this promotional video for it. It's still in alpha so I'm guessing there are still bugs and stuff. But the product to come is going to be pretty cool.

Still on the search for a graduate school. I haven't worked on narrowing down the list anymore since last time. I've gotten caught up in the hustle and bustle of classes and all that entails. It's nice to be busy again.

My car is broken. It needs a new alternator and I'm not sure when it's going to get one. Hopefully soon.

I'm on a Rent soundtrack listening kick. I've listened to the thing like 5 times. It's hitting a chord with me. I'm not sure why...
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008


There are just some things, no matter how petty or seemingly innocent they seem, that still get on my nerves.

1. People acting like they are still in high school when they are really in college. I know it has only been a few months since you've been out of high school, but seriously. Grow up. Please stop being loud and obnoxious right outside my practice room when I've already complained once.

2. People acting like they are still in high school when they've been out of high school for a year or more. Seriously. Grow up.

3. Gossip. I'm really not liking this term lately. Again, this goes back to growing up. I know that some people will never do so, I realize that. But please leave the rest of us out of your petty thoughts and ideas about what you think someone is doing with their lives. No one cares.

4. Having pointless arguments about Winnie the Pooh... ;)

5. Something else but I can't remember it right now...

In other news,

I love Ravel.
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Monday, September 1, 2008

A new start!

It's a new year! New faces! Fall semester is always an exciting time. Yes, it is very sad to see the old faces go but we must "pass and be forgotten with the rest" as the Purple Victory lyric goes. I've met some cool freshmen so far. It looks like a good bunch to continue the music learning process. Too bad I won't get to keep with them as they learn all about music and life. I'm going to be applying to graduate school soon and I'm pretty excited about it. Actually I'm scared. Scared about how to make the right decision as to which school to apply, how far away to go and who to ask for help. My parameters as to what location I'd like; North of Alabama, east of the Mississippi River, not Maine, Wisconsin, or Michigan. So that narrows it down... I have 24 schools so far narrowed down as to where I want to go. It's better than having no school to choose from, so I'm better off than I was previously. (thanks to s. wells for suggesting something I should of realized.) As to what I want to do, I'd like to go into Collaborative Piano. That is playing with vocalists, instrumentalists, opera, musicals, chamber music, etc. Whoever needs a pianist, I'll do it. I've done a lot of it as an undergraduate and I've really enjoyed it. I think I'd enjoy it as a graduate too. So that's it about what's happening in recent news.

I made a 4.0 in summer classes and I got my academic scholarship back! That was a scary time when I didn't know if I'd get it back or not. If I hadn't, it would have been very difficult to come back this fall. So now that I'm back, I'm finding that my refund check will not make it as easy as I thought to live. I need a job. Badly. Or else hello Ramen.

In other, other news...

This day, Labor day, I've done exactly that: Labor. I've washed all my clothes, towels, sheets and have a clean room and kitchen. It is going to be a good week. I'm starting it off on a good foot at least.
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Friday, August 15, 2008

A fundraiser

I thought this was cool. I hope it works.

Please visit my fundraiser website! I need money for college text books/music. I have quite a bit of both and nothing is getting any cheaper. All I ask is for a $10.00 donation. More is great! But the minimum is 10... I'd accept less but they won't let me. :(

Help out a starving artist and donate some cash for books.

Have a great day. Fundraiser here!!