Thursday, September 11, 2008

An update

Hello all.
I just thought to write an update about life in general.

I still enjoy classes and all of them are going well.

I've found an awesome add-on for Firefox called Ubiquity. It's an amazing add-on that makes surfing, internet usage, life on the computer easier. Things are already pretty easy to begin with, but it gathers all the good things together into one search engine-ish format. Check out this promotional video for it. It's still in alpha so I'm guessing there are still bugs and stuff. But the product to come is going to be pretty cool.

Still on the search for a graduate school. I haven't worked on narrowing down the list anymore since last time. I've gotten caught up in the hustle and bustle of classes and all that entails. It's nice to be busy again.

My car is broken. It needs a new alternator and I'm not sure when it's going to get one. Hopefully soon.

I'm on a Rent soundtrack listening kick. I've listened to the thing like 5 times. It's hitting a chord with me. I'm not sure why...
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1 comment:

s. wells said...

my tire was punctured on a crappy road here the night my fiance left to move to chicago. what luck. but it's fixed now- just thought i'd share a stupid car story.